
Everything You Need To Know About The Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra, also known as Ajna in Sanskrit, is an important energy center located between the eyebrows. It governs our ability to think clearly and make wise decisions. This chakra is associated with vision, intuition, insight, wisdom and inner guidance. The Third Eye Chakra helps us connect to our inner knowing and find…


Everything You Need To Know About The Solar Plexus

The solar plexus is an energy system located in the abdomen and is associated with personal power, vitality, and emotions. It’s a key component of our physical and energetic bodies. The solar plexus is connected to our breath, digestion, immune system, nervous system, mental clarity, motivation and intuition. As such it can have a profound…


Everything You Need To Know About The Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is one of the seven primary energy centers in the human body. It is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with emotions, creativity, sexuality, relationships and pleasure. This chakra governs our ability to express ourselves fully and freely as well as how we relate to others. Contents: Exploring the Power…


Everything You Need To Know About The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is one of the seven major energy centers in our bodies. Located at the base of the neck, this powerful chakra governs our ability to communicate authentically and clearly express ourselves. It’s also associated with creativity and self-expression, as well as being connected to many physical functions such as breathing, talking, swallowing…